Scan Preparations

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Abdomen/Pelvis with or without IV Contrast:

Do not eat or drink for 4 hours prior to exam, other than water. Oral contrast will be provided to the patient unless the diagnosis is Kidney/Renal stones. Patient must drink oral contrast 2 hours before the appointment time.

It is recommended that you wear loose, comfortable clothing with no metal buttons, snaps, or zippers. Jewelry, hair pins and metal implants will need to be removed before exam. Refrain from wearing eye makeup if scanning the head area.

Obstetrics: Finish drinking 32 ounces(4 large glasses of fluid 45 minutes before the examination to fill the bladder. Do not Urinate until examination is completed.

Gall Bladder: Nothing to eat or drink for eight hours before the examination. Fat-free supper the evening before the examination. No dairy products either!

Pelvis: Finish drinking 32 ounces(4 large glasses) of fluid 45 minutes before the examination to fill the bladder. Do not urinate until examination is complete.

Abdomen(Liver/Pancreas/Spleen): Nothing to eat or drink 12 hours before the examination.

Kidney(Aorta/Retroperitoneum/Soft Tissues): No preparation required.

All the exams ordered with IV contrast:

Do not eat or drink for 4 hours prior to the exam, other than water.

All exams ordered with IV contrast require Bun/Creatinine(results must be less than 60 days old). 

If you are allergic to iodine or shellfish, or have had a reaction to IV contrast in the past, please notify staff at time of scheduling.

It is recommended that you wear loose, comfortable clothing with no metal near the area being scanned.

Continue to take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

No special preparation required.