Extremity MRI Questionnaire Home > Extremity MRI Questionnaire NameDOBReferring PhysicianPlease answer all questions as best as possible1. Which extremity is being studied today? (Please select all that apply)HipWristThighForearmLower LegElbowAnkleHandFootJaw2. On which side of the body?LeftRight3. Please select all symptoms or complaints you have.PainFluid in JointMassRednessSwellingLockingClickingLimited Movement4. How long have you had these symptoms/complaints?5. Have you undergone any therapy?(i.e. physical therapy, bed rest, etc.)YesNoType of therapyDurationOutcome6. Please give us a brief history of how the injury occurred if applicable.7. If this pain was not due to injury, was the condition gradual?YesNo8. Have there been any other studies on the affected area?NoMRICT ScanX-RayUltrasoundWhere and when were the studies performed?Submit